Practice Parasiticide Tracker

Your window into in-practice parasiticide trends thanks to one convenient dashboard
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Track in-practice parasiticide purchasing trends
Get answers to your toughest questions with monthly parasiticide data from thousands of companion animal practices all filterable by date, state, and species.

Interactive monthly dashboard lets you hone in on key insights
Spot trends in parasiticide prescribing, purchasing, and pricing. Use the data to make informed business decisions.

Get answers to your toughest parasiticide questions.
Is parasiticide revenue growing, shrinking, or holding steady in practices?
Easily track parasiticide revenue per practice for thousands of practices. Compare this year to last year and monitor year-over-year growth by product type.
What percentage of visiting pets had a parasiticide purchase made on their behalf?
Track patient share by parasiticide product type for endoparasiticides, ectoparasiticides, and endectocides. Easily monitor trends by viewing 24 full months of data. View monthly average overall and by state, plus year-over-year growth stats.
Are clients purchasing more product for their pets?
Monitor months of protection per patient by product type for this year and last year. View monthly average overall and by state, plus year-over-year growth stats.
Which products are practices prescribing?
Gain unprecedented access to practice prescribing trends for individual products by month. Filter by manufacturer, product type, and product name to get the exact stats you need.
How have practices changed their parasiticide pricing?
Stay on top of product pricing trends by monitoring price changes year-over-year for each individual parasiticide product by name. Also filterable by date, region, species, manufacturer, and product type.
Download and export the data
Export and download aggregated monthly parasiticide data into a spreadsheet for further analysis.

This self-serve dashboard offers easy access to the most requested parasiticide insights.